Improving Inventory Visibility Through Modern Technology

One of the most difficult components of running a business is effectively managing your inventory. To stay competitive, many companies are turning to supply chain visibility (SCV) technology. These smart technologies track, monitor, and notify each item in their supply chain processes in real time. A company’s inbound/outbound procedures and other everyday activities could be …

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Eliminating Repetitive Tasks in Manufacturing

Repetitive tasks not only make work dull for the worker, but they can also have negative impacts on productivity and a company’s bottom line. With today’s rapidly advancing technology, however, manufacturing companies can move away from these counterproductive manual processes. Below are a few examples of how organizations are using technology to minimize, or even …

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Managing Common Cybersecurity Risks for In-Office, Hybrid & Remote Workers

There are numerous ways a cybercriminal may infiltrate a company. One of the top ways to breach data is through phishing. What is phishing? Essentially, it’s when a malicious attachment or link to a spoof site is sent in an email. These emails have become quite sophisticated in their design to fool the employee into …

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Understanding Data Preparation and its Importance

The volatile business landscape has realized the importance of data. Data analytics is shaping the future of organizations by promising more visibility. Henceforth, lower risks and anticipations lead the way toward implementing well-informed decisions. The data stored in phone records, emails, ERP systems, and CRM applications is raw and cannot be utilized for business decisions. …

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PC Driver Updates for Better Performance and Security

PC drivers are considered digital translators that help with the communication between the computer and its peripheral components efficiently. To ensure the seamless operation of the computer, it is vital to keep communication flowing and in sync. The question is, how can the computer and its components maintain sync and keep functioning for years? The …

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